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Gallery 93:City and Sea. All In The Family

Come check out the new Gallery 93 exhibit,

New Exhibit: Janet Hansen Kawada & Charlotte Lockwood, All in the Family, Fiber art and Paintings, at Gallery 93

March 6- through May 24, 2023

Brookline, Massachusetts, Gallery 93 at the Brookline Senior Center is pleased to present All in the Family, by artist Janet Hansen Kawada and Charlotte Lockwood. The exhibit runs from March 6 through May 24, 2023. A reception for the artist will be held on Thursday March 23 from 4-6 pm. Gallery 93, located at 93 Winchester Street, Brookline, MA, is open from 8:30-5:00, Monday through Friday.

Brookline artist, Janet Hansen Kawada’s work explores relationships of texture, color, and narrative through fibers. For this exhibition she is presenting her fiber work alongside family influences of her grandmother, great aunt and in particular her mother. Kawada’s mother, the late Charlotte Lockwood, exhibits paintings influenced by nature and place. The family has a long and rich history as residents of Brookline for over 100 years. Her grandmother, great aunt, and mother all practiced art in their lives, and this thread of art making continues for Janet Hansen Kawada.

Kawada has a lifelong love of the Fiber Arts. She shares: “Being taught by my grandmother to sew, knit, crochet, embroider etc., as a child, I was never without knitting needles or needle and thread all through my early and teenage years”. She then embarked on a journey as a professional quilter for about 10 years in her 20’s. Although she spent her childhood years at museums looking at art, she was self-taught, and in her 30’s decided to go to art school. She studied at MassArt graduating with a BFA in Fibers and attended graduate school at Vermont College, earning a MFA in Visual Art. In the 1990’s Kawada taught at New England School of Art and Design and taught at MassArt for 25 years as well as ran workshops at other venues around New England. She was a member of the Kingston Gallery from 1998-2012. As a member of Studios Without Walls, an independent group of artists from around the Brookline area, she has been showing outdoor environmental work since 2001.