Tickets and Sponsorships are available for the April 27, Appreciation Celebration to Honor Ruthann Dobek – BUY TODAY!
Tickets and Sponsorships are available for the April 27, Appreciation Celebration to Honor Ruthann Dobek – BUY TODAY!
We are pleased to announce that the electronic version of the third edition of “Ask a Geriatrician” is available. Click here to access and download this compilation which includes all of Dr. Suzanne Salamon’s “Ask a Geriatrician” columns that have appeared in The Brookline Beacon Newsletter, as well as updated articles. Each professional column addresses topics and readers’ questions ranging from Abdominal Aortic Aneurism to Vitamin D usage, helping to make medical information less confusing and daunting.
For over a decade Dr. Suzanne Salamon has shared her professional expertise and thanks to the generosity of donors and sponsors, we are able to distribute this compilation of articles without cost, and provide older adults with significant health information. Promoting healthy aging is an essential part of BSC’s mission and we welcome this opportunity to provide our community with this wonderful book that encourages health and wellness. Hardcopies are available at the Brookline Senior Center while supplies last.