The Heat is On!


Tickets and Sponsorships are available for the April 27, Appreciation Celebration to Honor Ruthann Dobek – BUY TODAY!


Honoring the Wisdom That Comes With Age

The Brookline Senior Center (BSC) is a gathering place dedicated to enriching the aging experience by providing a diverse environment with a wide range of opportunities, programs, and services (the majority of which are provided by volunteers) in the areas of health, learning, art, socialization, nutrition, and recreation. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, the Brookline COA provides Brookline area seniors a strong and inviting community in which to meet new friends, socialize, volunteer, and stay active.

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Susan Fung

Click here to learn more about writer and professor Susan Fung in this month’s Growing Older and Wiser in Brookline Article. Article and photo provided by Miriam Rosalyn Diamond.

A Letter From

Betsy Pollock, MSW President, Brookline Senior Center Foundation

Click to read Betsy’s letter!

Latest news

Growing Older and Wiser in Brookline

by: Miriam Rosalyn Diamond – Susan Fung was born in post-World War II China. One of her earliest memories involves…

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Putterham Library Expands Programs in Chestnut Hill for Seniors and All Ages

BY: Miriam Rosalyn Diamond, Council on Aging Communications Specialist Ginger O’Day, Brookline Public Library’s Putterham Branch Supervisor, has been augmenting…

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Important Information – How to Spot and Deal with Scams!

How do you spot a scam? Click to read Miriam Rosalyn Diamond article about New Free Town Resource Empowers People…

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From the Director

“Our goal is to help seniors maintain their independence and continue to be or become active members of their community. We believe wholeheartedly in enhancing growth, dignity, and a sense of belonging while encouraging individual contributions and the sharing of diverse life experiences. The Senior Center welcomes all who enter our doors, regardless of age, income, disability, ethnicity, religious, or sexual orientation.

One of our strengths is recruiting volunteers. We have 238 volunteers of all ages (14 – 96) performing 693 activities. Many are active in more than one activity; many have volunteered with us for ten years or more. These volunteers, most of whom are seniors themselves, donate the equivalent number of hours of more than 16 full-time staff. Without our volunteers who execute the programs, the BSC could not provide the number and variety of programs and activities that we offer to seniors.”