Tickets and Sponsorships are available for the April 27, Appreciation Celebration to Honor Ruthann Dobek – BUY TODAY!
Tickets and Sponsorships are available for the April 27, Appreciation Celebration to Honor Ruthann Dobek – BUY TODAY!
On Wednesdays January 8, 15, and 22 from 10:30 am‐12:00 noon, join us for this interesting course. What makes a screenplay interesting to film producers? Learn how producers capture the interest and curiosity of the public by enticing them to see a film production that will prove to be challenging to their imagination as well as entertaining. The dates and movies are as follows: January 8: Another Man’s Poison, January 15: Here Comes Mister Jordan and January 22: The Trouble with Harry. Participants must watch each film before the particular class when the film will be discussed. You can access DVDs through the Library or on Kanopy as available. Facilitator Thomas Orowan was a lecturer for this same course for 10 years at Boston College and is also a published author.
Please register for all sessions or for specific dates at 617‐730‐2770.