January 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day—The Senior Center will be closed.
Please note: There is no transportation to the Senior Center or medical transportation when the Center is closed.
January 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day—The Senior Center will be closed.
Please note: There is no transportation to the Senior Center or medical transportation when the Center is closed.
On Tuesdays at 3:15 pm at the Senior Center starting June 18 through August 27 (no class August 6), join Oscar Nanda, a longtime student of Sensei Noah Luca’s. He is teaching in Noah’s place for the FREE summer session through August. This system of self‐defense develops total body awareness, control and confidence, formatted with seniors in mind. Class techniques and concepts focus on thoughtful movement, stances, balance, blocks, kata, strikes and other techniques, as well as having a cultural experience. The fall session with Noah will start in September with new day to be determined.
Please register with Jamie at jjensen@brooklinema.gov or 617‐730‐2753.