The Heat is On!


Tickets and Sponsorships are available for the April 27, Appreciation Celebration to Honor Ruthann Dobek – BUY TODAY!


Food resources for seniors

Options for seniors looking for help buying or finding food.

Food security & resources


The S.H.O.P. (Students Helping Older People) Program has been a collaboration between the Brookline Senior Center and the community service program at Brookline High School for many years. During these years, literally hundreds of students have helped dozens of seniors. It is a win-win volunteer opportunity whereby students grocery shop for seniors in Brookline and seniors share their actual history and experience with students in a friendly visit after shopping.

In addition to getting the groceries for the senior, another benefit of this program is developing meaningful multigenerational relationships. Some students have shopped for the same senior throughout high school and consider their elder an important part of their life; others continue to visit after graduating. The seniors tell us that they feel that their students are like family.

S.H.O.P is currently underway for the 2023/2024 school year. If you are interested in learning more about the program or getting on the waitlist, please contact Valerie Graf at 617-730-2743 or at

Monthly Food Commodity 

If you are a low-income senior, aged 60 or older, and you would like to participate in this program to receive 35 pounds of shelf-stable food on the third Wednesday of each month, please contact Jamie Jensen at 617-730-2753 or

Springwell Lunch Program (Monday-Friday)

Springwell lunch program participants now have the option to take their “grab and go” lunch home with them OR to have their “grab and go” meal warmed up in the kitchen so they can eat lunch with others in our dining room.

PLEASE NOTE: We will need to know one business day in advance before 10:30 am which option you prefer. Due to the preparation involved, you will NOT be able to change your decision on the day of your lunch reservation. If you would like to dine-in, lunch is served at 12pm. 

In addition, Springwell is once again offering the choice of a hot or cold lunch entrée.

To make a lunch reservation by phone, please call 617-730-2747 and leave your name, telephone number, if you would like a cold or hot lunch entrée, and whether you will take your meal home or eat in our dining room.

If you would prefer to make reservations by filling out a monthly menu, you can pick up a menu at the Senior Center or you can print out a copy of the menu from our website (see link below).

Please write your name on the top of the menu, circle the entrée (hot or cold) that you would prefer, and check the box marked “GG” if you are going to take your meal home or “DR” if you are planning to eat in the dining room that day.

You DO NOT have to choose one option or the other for the entire month. You can choose to eat at home one day and in the dining room another day, but you DO have to notify us of your choice one business day in advance before 10:30 am.

Suggested donation is $2.50 per meal and donations can be made onsite at the Senior Center.

If you have questions regarding allergies or nutritional information, please feel free to call the Springwell Dietitian at 617-926-4100.

Click here to view this month’s menu.

For more information on home delivered meals (Meals on Wheels), please call Springwell at 617-926-4100.

Brookline Senior Center Food Distribution Program

The Brookline Food Pantry has now relocated its main operations to United Parish (210 Harvard Street). The Senior Center is working in collaboration with the Food Pantry to ensure that all of our Food Distribution customers will be able to access the Pantry going forward.

For more information on the Food Pantry and other food resources, please call the Senior Center at 617-730-2777.

Other services

Medical Equipment


Health & Wellness


Tech Assistance

Social Services

Can’t find it?

If you’re looking for something and can’t find it, or think there’s something missing here, please let us know!

Additional food resources

Brookline Food Pantry

Distribution Sites and Hours:

210 Harvard Street, United Parish
Wednesday: 2 PM – 5 PM

55A Egmont Street, Community Room
Thursday: 3 PM – 7 PM
Saturday: 10 AM – 1 PM

226 High Street, Community Room
Tuesday: 3 PM – 7 PM

Phone: (617) 800-5339
Visit: Brookline Food Pantry Website

ReceiveBags of perishable and non-perishables. Everyone waits outside. Wear your mask.

Donate: Bring non-perishables to United Parish Wednesday 10:30- 12:30 and Friday 9:30- 12 noon

PLEASE NOTE: The Brookline Food Pantry remains open but implements the following emergency procedures:

  • Individuals may not enter the pantry to shop or drop off donations.
  • To pick up pre-packed bags of perishable and non-perishable food items, individuals must wait outside the pantry doors during open hours, listed above.
  • You do not need any ID, proof of residency, or proof of income to receive food. You do not need to call ahead.
  • A limited amount of home delivery is available if you are physically unable to safely go to the Food Pantry to pick up your food. Please call 617-800-5339, or email: with the subject line, “Needs Home Delivery” to inquire about the availability of home delivery.

SNAP Online Purchasing Program 

Massachusetts residents who receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits can use their EBT card to buy food online from Amazon, Stop & Shop, and Walmart, as well as ALDI, Hannaford, Price Chopper and Stop & Shop via Instacart.

For more information on how to use the online purchasing program, please visit: SNAP Online Purchasing Website

Greater Boston Food Bank Food Commodity Program

The Greater Boston Food Bank Commodity Program provides 35lbs. of shelf-stable food to low income seniors each month. Two shopping bags of food for approved participants are distributed at the Brookline Senior Center (93 Winchester Street), Sussman House (50 Pleasant Street) and O’Shea House (61 Park Street) on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

We are actively recruiting new applicants to participate in this program. If you or anyone you know are interested in applying for or finding out more about the program, please contact Jamie Jensen (617) 730-2753 or at to set up an appointment.

Welcome Home Pantry

Welcome Home is a “home goods pantry in Newton that accepts and provides new and gently used housewares in good working condition.” Right now we need coffee makers (not Keurig), sheets, warm blankets, toasters, blenders, pressure cookers. See the website for what we take. You donate goods or make a wish list to ask for what you need:  No forms, no fees.

We do not take:  NO baby goods, NO bed skirts, NO mattress pads, NO books, NO clothing, NO toys, NO vases, NO wine glasses, NO computer gear, NO hangers, no stains, no chips, no tears

CALL:  (617) 454 – 4795

MONDAYS: 1-2 pm

Arrive at Welcome Home (Trinity Church, Furber Lane, Newton Centre) at your appointed time. We take the items we can accept from your car.

Welcome Home Mass Website